Terms and Conditions
By using our residence halls and accompanying resources, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our residence halls and accompanying resources. We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Use at any time. Read the full Terms and Conditions below.
Housing and Meal Plan Agreement
Terms and Conditions
This agreement (“Agreement”) specifies the terms and conditions for all student housing assignments at Jackson State University (“JSU” or “University) for the 2024-2025 academic
year. This agreement is for student housing in University residence halls and apartments owned or managed by the University. Students interested in on-campus housing at Jackson State University must complete a housing application and sign this agreement with an electronic signature via the Student Housing Portal. If a student is under the age of eighteen (18), the student’s parent or legal guardian must also sign the agreement with an electronic signature via email. Students understand that he/she must be a registered full-time student at JSU in order to reside on campus and agree to complete the registration process by June 15th. The student understands that JSU will release the student housing assignment if registration is not completed by June 15, 2024 (Fall) and/or prior to the start of the Spring semester. The Student further understands that he/she will be charged for the duration of time that he/she elected to live in the residence hall or had possession of the room.
1. Eligibility
Resident must be at least sixteen (16) years old, on or before the first day of occupancy, to
reside in student housing. Acceptance of these terms and conditions by the University does
not constitute a commitment of admission or continuing enrollment at the University. Resident
must earn admission to the University and must remain admitted, enrolled, and registered for
classes during the entire length of the housing agreement. Balances must be paid in accordance
with University requirements. Resident must be enrolled in at least a full-time course load for
the length of the agreement unless authorized by JSU.
A registered sex offender is ineligible for student housing and may not reside in any University
residence hall or apartment. If Resident executes a housing agreement, but fails to disclose
that they are a sex offender, or is required by the law of any state to register as a sex offender,
Resident’s housing agreement will be automatically terminated. Resident will be required to
vacate their housing assignment within twenty-four (24) hours of notice by Student Housing
that the contract was terminated, or at a more expedient time as mandated by JSU. Resident
will not be eligible for a refund or credit of any housing fees.
2. Agreement Terms
The duration of the housing agreement is for the entire academic year (both fall and spring
semesters), or if entered into after the beginning of the academic year, for the remainder of
the academic year (both semesters). This housing agreement does not provide for student
housing during break housing between semesters. JSU may offer break housing to the resident
at an additional cost.
3. Fees
1. Student agrees to pay for on-campus housing and meal plan in accordance with the
established payment schedule of the University as published in JSU publications or
2. A non-refundable room reservation fee of $100.00 is assessed to all first-time students
who choose to live in campus housing. Returning students who signed a housing
application before 2016 are under terms that do not require additional payment for
housing for the duration of their residency at Jackson State University; however, a
$75.00 non-refundable room reservation will be assessed to all returning students each
academic year.
3. Housing during the winter break is not included in the basic fee paid by the student.
4. Cancellations by Student
1. Student cancellations of housing for the Fall semester are accepted until June 30
without the student incurring a cancellation fee. Students canceling after June 30 but
prior to August 25 the first day of class will incur a three hundred fifty dollars ($350)
cancellation fee and will not be required to pay the entire cost of housing for the
semester. Students shall be assessed and obligated to pay the full charges assessed for
housing and meals for cancellations received after the first 5 days of classes with no
reduction in the fees assessed, including but not limited to residence hall room fees,
post office fees and meal plan fees.
2. If a Student does not return for the Spring semester, the nine-month contract is not
automatically terminated. The nine-month contract may be terminated for the Spring
semester if the Student is participating in co-op, internship, student teaching, or a
student exchange program, graduating (in December), has become married,
withdrawing from JSU, transferring to another college or university, or show
extraordinary circumstances in order to cancel a housing agreement for the Spring
semester. All students who request to cancel the housing agreement must have the
proper documentation which supports the basis for the cancellation, which may be
denied at the University’s discretion. If a student is terminating an agreement due to
the student getting married, the student must furnish proof of marriage.
3. Residents may submit cancellation requests by obtaining and completing a Residence
Hall Release in the residence hall in which they reside. Spring cancellation requests
are subject to a charge of 1⁄2 of the room and meal plan fees. A student will not be
released from his or her agreement after the residence halls open for the Spring
semester. Note: All requests for cancellations must be made before the
Housing/Residence Life Office closes for the winter holidays. Any student who
requests cancellation of the contract after the residence halls open for the Spring
semester shall be responsible for residence hall room and meal plan fees. The contract
agreement will be binding for students who check into the residence hall after the
residence hall is open for the semester or summer session.
4. Student agrees to pay 100% of the fees associated with his or her room assignment if
Student fails to cancel room assignment by aforementioned cancellation dates.
5. Student may cancel summer assignment before the first day of the summer term in
which they are attending without fee or penalty. Students canceling on or after the first
day of class within the summer term they are attending will incur a $200 cancellation
5. Room Accommodations
1. This housing agreement is for space within the University owned residence hall
system. The housing agreement is not for a specific building or room and may not be
transferred or assigned to another person. The space may not be sublet, leased, or
rented to anyone else for any period of time. The resident agrees not to allow any
persons other than the assigned roommate to live in the assigned space. Violation of
this restriction will be considered serious and may result in fines, termination of
housing agreement or other disciplinary action as sanctioned by the University.
2. If any resident or their guest occupies a room or residence without authorization, the
student will be charged an administrative fee for unauthorized occupancy for each day
or portion thereof until the space is completely vacated. This includes unauthorized
occupancy any time before or after agreement dates, termination of occupancy dates,
or after eligibility for housing has ceased. In order to take occupancy of a space the
student must be enrolled as full-time student for the semester/semesters of occupancy.
3. University reserves the right to house students in single or double occupancy situations
as it deems appropriate based on current circumstances and Student will be assessed
room fees based on such occupancy.
4. University will provide basic room furnishings, including a bed with mattress, study
area with chair and closet space.
5. Student understands that he/she has 48 hours to claim their assigned room. If Student
fails to check into the assigned room within the designated time frame, the Student
understands that his or her room will be canceled and reassigned.
6. In the event Student’s roommate moves from the assigned room, Student agrees that
he/she may be assigned a new roommate or, in the alternative, Student agrees to an
increase in the room rate if he/she remains in the room as a single.
7. Residence hall and room assignment may be changed or canceled by the University,
in the interest of order, health, discipline, maximum utilization of facilities, disaster,
or emergency.
8. Acceptance of this Agreement by the University does not guarantee Student an
assignment to a particular room or any type of accommodation.
9. Students who live in suite-style residence halls are responsible for cleaning the suite.
This includes the bathrooms, living room area, kitchenette, and their bedroom. Failure to keep the suite reasonably clean and free of damage will result in a fine for each Student who resides within the suite.
6. Damage to Property
Student understands and agrees that in the event of loss or damage to University property in
the assigned room or for loss or damage in the common area caused by Student, intentionally
or unintentionally, that said Student shall be liable for damages. Student agrees that damages
to common areas, when the responsible party is not known, shall be assessed to each student
who lives in the residence hall on a pro rata basis.
7. Keys and Access Cards
Resident agrees not to loan/duplicate keys and/or access cards. Lost or stolen keys and/or
access cards must be reported immediately. Resident may incur financial penalty for lost or
duplicated keys and/or access cards. Keys must be returned when occupancy ends or when
access to space is terminated.
8. Right to Entry of Space
In addition to all rights of entry the University has by law and under other provisions of this
agreement, the University or its agents may enter the housing assignment space at any time
for any of the following reasons:
a) In case of emergency;
b) To inspect the condition of the premises;
c) To inspect for fire and health hazards and for health and safety violations;
d) To make repairs, installations, additions or alterations to the rooms or to the building;
e) To perform custodial and pest control functions;
f) To remove personal property, equipment, fixtures, alterations or additions to the
premises that are in violation of the provisions of this or any other applicable
agreement, regulation or policy;
g) To verify room occupancy; and
h) To search by authorized University personnel when there is cause to believe that a
violation of this agreement or University policy is being or has been committed.
Authorized University personnel include, but are not limited to, Housing and
Residence Life Staff and University Police. This provision is not intended to limit the
right of University Police to enter any student’s room in the performance of statutory
duties and in accordance with legally defined procedures governing search and
seizures when there is probable cause to believe that a violation of state or federal law
is being or has been committed.
9. Inspection of Room
The University will conduct room inspections for emergencies, maintenance, inventory,
health and safety inspections, or to enforce appropriate regulations which further the
educational mission of the University. Student further understands that failure to keep the
assigned room reasonably clean and orderly may result in disciplinary charges. By accepting
this Agreement, Student consents to any such inspections by appropriate University officials.
The University may, in its sole discretion, allow residents an opportunity to correct a violation
that is not criminal in nature and does not present an immediate threat to the health and safety
of resident and/or staff. If so, the resident will be granted a reasonable time to correct the
violation. If it is not timely corrected, the resident will be subject to the housing student
conduct process. Violations may result in judicial action and/or termination of the housing
10. Postal Services
1. The post office box rental fee is assessed to all students living in university-controlled
housing. Fees are assessed on an academic year basis and are calculated on the time
remaining in the academic year. The fee covers box rental for the remainder of the academic year, provided the student remains enrolled. Those students living off-campus may rent a box at the same rate if they so desire. Post office box rental fees are non-refundable. Boxes are for personal use only and may not be used for business endeavors.
11. Meal Plans
1. Student understands by agreeing to these terms and conditions he/she will
automatically be enrolled in the University meal plan program which is required for
all students who reside on campus. Student further understands that the meal
membership does not cover or apply during fall break, winter break or spring break.
2. Students understand that meal plans may be changed at the beginning of each semester
by contacting Sodexo Dining Services. First-time, full-time freshmen are not allowed
to change their meal plan. Tiger Bucks may be used on campus at the Heritage Dining, Chick-fil-A, Library Cafe’, Pizza Hut and Burger King. Unused Tiger Bucks are non-transferable and non-refundable. Students understand that summer meals may only be obtained by contacting Sodexo Dining Services.
3. All students residing on campus in university-controlled housing must have a meal
plan. The default plan, 7 Day All-Access with $250 Tiger Bucks, is assigned
to all residential students. This default plan is mandatory for Freshmen residential
students. Upperclassmen (sophomores & up) and Graduate Students can change their
meal plans to one of the two (2) other meal options by visiting Auxiliary Enterprises
located on the 3rd floor of J.L. Reddix Hall. Students have the first two weeks of each
semester to make changes to their meal plan.
4. Student understands by agreeing to these terms and conditions, he/she will
automatically be enrolled in the University meal plan program, which is required for
all students who reside on campus. The student further understands that the meal
membership does not cover or apply during fall break, winter break, or spring break.
Summer meal plans are optional, and students must contact the Auxiliary Enterprises
at 601-979-1325 or meals@madorders.com to register.
5. Meal plans guarantee student access to the Residential Dining Hall. Meal plan charges
are not based upon usage. Residential Meal Plans are prorated for residential students moving off campus according to the date the student moved into the campus residential
facility and moved out date with fees based on the schedule below.
6. Meal plan refunds due to withdrawal from the university (dropping to zero class hours) are based on the date of withdrawal on record in the Registrar’s Office and the move-out date in Housing. Approved refunds are processed with any applicable percentage fee deducted and the remaining balance credited to the Bursar account and refunded by the Bursar’s Office after any Bursar account balances are satisfied. Refunds usually take at least 10-14 days to process. Participants may not withdraw cash from their meal
plan or any ID accounts.
7. Meal plan refunds are calculated (computed from the first day of class) using the
following schedule:
First five days of class: 90%
Between 6 and 10 days of class: 70%
Between 11 and 15 days of class: 50%
Between 16 and 20 days of class: 30%
After 20 days of class: 0%
12. Termination of this Agreement by University
The University reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to University housing
or to terminate the housing agreement during the academic year for the following reasons:
a) No Show Declarations: The student must notify the Housing and Residence Life
department of a check-in that occurs after the 48-hour check-in time frame during
move-in periods. Failure to claim room within 48 hours of move-in date will result
in termination of housing assignment. Student will be financially responsible for
any fees during the cancellation period.
b) Failure to Complete Registration: Student must complete registration by the
University’s published date. Failure to do so will result in the termination of the
housing assignment. Student will be responsible for any fees associated with the
cancellation period.
c) Violation of Policy or Terms: The student’s failure to meet University policy or
regulations, and all policies within the JSU Handbook, in the event of felony
conviction by civil authorities or for posing a threat to the health, safety and
welfare of the University community. In this case, the student may be removed
immediately. In either event, there shall be no refund or prepaid fee, and resident
shall remain liable for any charges assessed to their student account.
d) Sex Offender: Convicted sex offenders are not permitted to live in University housing. Cancellation of the housing contract for the above reasons may result in the removal of the resident within one to three (1-3) days’ notice, except where the University determines that the continued residency of the student would pose a danger to either the health or welfare of the residential community. In this case, the student may be removed immediately. In either event, there shall be no refund of prepaid fee, and resident shall remain liable for any charges assessed to their student account.
e) Disciplinary Removal: If a resident is prohibited from residing on-campus due to
a disciplinary removal, the resident will be required to vacate the assigned room
or apartment within 48 hours of notification of the disciplinary sanction. Resident
is ineligible for a refund or credit of housing fees due to the disciplinary removal
and shall remain liable for any charges assessed to their student account.
f) Destruction or Unavailability of Space: In the event the accommodations assigned
to as student are destroyed or otherwise made unavailable and the University does
not furnish accommodations, the housing agreement shall terminate; all rights and
liabilities of the parties hereto shall cease; and housing payments previously may
be considered for proration.
13. Official Check Out
Resident must comply with all check-out procedures which consists of signing appropriate check-out paperwork, removing personal belongings, cleaning the room/space, defrosting the refrigerator, and returning keys (if applicable). Resident will be expected to schedule a check-out inspection with residence hall/apartment staff or complete the express check-out process. Failure to properly check out may result in improper check-out fees. If choosing to do an express check out, student waives right to appeal damages.
14. Removal of Personal Property
Student understands that he/she is responsible for removing all personal belongings from
the residence hall once the housing agreement is terminated. The University and Housing
Department is not responsible for any personal belongings left in the residence hall. The
room must be vacated no later than 24 hours after the student’s suspension or last exam
or by the time the residence halls officially close. If personal belongings remain in the
residence hall space after check-out, a professional staff member will collect all items and
contact student via JSU-issued email to retrieve items. A storage fee will be charged to
the student account. Items are only kept on hand for 30 calendar days.
15. Indemnification
a. The University will not indemnify (be responsible for) third parties who cause loss
or damage to Student’s property. Nor will the University be liable for damage to
or loss of the student’s personal property due to failure or interruption of utilities
or loss due to laundry equipment, fire, sprinkler system, floods, storm damage or
theft. Nor does the University assume responsibility for missing property due to
unlocked room doors, lost room keys, or room keys that are loaned by the Student.
Students are encouraged to obtain insurance.
b. The University does not assume any responsibility for personal belongings left in
the residence hall, nor do they assume any responsibility for personal belongings
left by the student for improper check out, or for failing to remove their belongings
from the residence hall upon departure.
16. Insurance
a. The University is not liable for damage to or loss of student personal property.
Insurance to cover loss of or damage to student personal property is an individual
responsibility. The University strongly encourages students to purchase personal
property insurance for the term of this Agreement. The Housing Department will
provide students with information regarding personal property insurance for
students upon request.
17. Liability
a. Student agrees that by signing this Agreement he/she will be subject to the Housing
Department and Residence Hall policies, procedures, rules and regulations, in
addition to any other applicable University policies. Failure to abide by said rules
and regulations may result in disciplinary sanctions, including residence hall
eviction, University suspension, expulsion, or imposition of a monetary
fine. Student understands that if evicted from the residence hall for any reason, or
suspended from the University, he/she must request in writing for approval to
move back on campus by the Executive Director of Residence Life/Housing prior
to applying for student housing. Copies of these rules and regulations may be
found in the Student Handbook, Jackson State University Housing Website, and
Resident Student Handbook. The Student further understands and agrees that
vandalism, destruction of University property, practical jokes, alcoholic beverages
and containers, drugs and weapons will not be tolerated in the residence halls.
b. The Student agrees to give the University permission to release the following
information, name to the individual who will be assigned as my roommate. I
understand that the University assumes no liability for honoring my instructions. I
further understand that acceptance of this application does not constitute a
guarantee of a residence hall room or admission to the University. I understand
that room assignments are assigned as space is available. I understand that no room
assignment will occur until I have been admitted to the University and paid the
application fee or room reservation fee. I further understand that if I am not
admitted to the University, or decide to not attend JSU, the $100 application
processing fee or $75 room reservation fee will not be refunded.
c. Jackson State University is committed to the principles of equal educational
opportunity, equal employment opportunity, and affirmative action. The
University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, physical
disabilities, age, religion, national origin, or veteran status pursuant to the
requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or any other applicable statutes.
18. Notices
Housing and Residence Life will email all housing-related notices and updates to resident JSU-
issued email address. These notices will include important and time-sensitive information, including information about dates, deadlines, upcoming events, required action by resident,
housing processes, and fees. Resident is expected to timely check JSU-issued email and will
not be excused from any deadlines or requirements due to failure to read housing notices.
JSU reserves the right to make changes to this agreement and supporting policies from time to
time without prior notice. The agreement in the form as it exists online is the governing
document and contains the then-currently applicable policies and information.
19. Covid-19 Pandemic Provision
a. The University intends to perform its educational mission while protecting the health
and safety of its students, faculty and staff, and minimizing the potential spread of the
novel coronavirus (COVID-19) within the community. As a result of this global
pandemic, the University is not able to accurately predict what the conditions will be
like when the academic year begins, and what precautions the University may have to
implement in on-campus residence halls throughout the academic year in order to react
to the changing circumstances. You should be aware that if you live in an on-campus
residence hall, the University cannot guarantee that the residence hall will be free of
COVID-19. By signing this Agreement, you understand and agree that the University
requires the flexibility to implement certain procedures it deems appropriate to
minimize the risks posed by COVID-19. In the case of any inconsistency between other
terms of this Housing Agreement and the COVID-19 Pandemic Provision, the terms of
this provision shall prevail and supersede any other terms contain within this
b. While the University cannot predict every situation that a student may encounter living
in a residence hall, you should acknowledge the following current expectations of
students who live in residence halls:
c. ______ (initial) I understand that, before move-in it is possible that the University will
not be able to accommodate as many students as previously projected. It is the
University’s intention to provide housing to as many students as possible, while
observing the public health and safety guidance provided by relevant authorities.
However, if the University is not able to accommodate all students with housing
contracts the University reserves the right to terminate housing contracts and will
contact affected students as soon as such decisions are made. In the event that the
University is unable to provide housing before move-in, the University will release you
from the financial obligations owed to Housing & Residence Life for that contract term.
d. ______ (initial) I understand that, after move-in, and upon giving notice in as timely a
fashion as possible, the University reserves the right to terminate housing contracts and
require residents to leave University housing, if the University is closed or experiencing
exigent or emergency circumstances, including public health emergency needs and
pandemics, including, but not limited to COVID-19. In the event that the University
terminates the housing contracts due to public health concerns, the standard terms and
conditions outlined in this housing agreement will apply relating to housing and meals
fees to be incurred by Student.
e. ______ (initial) I understand that dining service, including where and how it will be
offered to residents, is subject to the discretion of the University and its food service partner and may be modified from time to time to address public health concerns. The University may limit dining to primarily carry-out, may limit the occupancy of dining halls, limit the amount of time residents may reside within dining halls, or make other operational adjustments needed to address health and safety concerns.
f. ______ (initial) I understand that, there may be circumstances during the COVID-19
pandemic that may require me to self-isolate or quarantine away from others for at least
the minimal days prescribe by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) , and that during that time I must avoid contact with others, including family,
friends, and going out in public, and that these circumstances include, but may not be
limited to, having:
1. Developed symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection as enumerated
by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at:
testing/symptoms.html, or testing positive for COVID-19.
2. Recently had close contact with someone known to be diagnosed with
COVID-19. Close contact means you were within about six feet of a
person diagnosed with COVID-19 for more than a few minutes. Close
contact can occur while caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a
health care waiting area or room with a person who has COVID-19.
Close contact also means having direct contact with secretions
(typically coughs and sneezes) from a person with COVID-19.
3. Arrived in the US within the previous 14 days after traveling in another
4. Arrived from cruise ship travel (ocean or river) within the previous 14
5. Traveled within the past 14 days from areas or cities within the US
where community spread of COVID-19 is ongoing. (Check with state
or local authorities at the starting place of your journey and along your
route to learn about local circumstances and any restrictions that may be
in place.)
g. ______ (initial) I understand that I may be required to have my temperature taken
and/or obtain a thermometer and have it in my possession in order to enter the residence
hall and check into my assigned room.
h. ______ (initial) I understand that I may be required to wear a face covering when inside
the residence hall.
i. ______ (initial) I understand that I may be required to show proof of a negative
COVID-19 test in order to enter the residence hall and check into my assigned room,
and I may be required to have additional testing during the academic year. I understand
that I may also be required to have a seasonal flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine if
one is developed.
j. ______ (initial) I understand, if I need to self-isolate, I will notify Housing and
Residence Life for assistance.
k. ______ (initial) I understand and affirm that, in the event of a medical emergency, I
will call 911, and that I should notify the operator that I have, or think I might have,
COVID-19. If possible, I will put on a cloth face covering before medical help arrives.
l. _______ (initial) I understand that, if I receive a positive test result for COVID-19 from
a medical provider other than an on-campus provider, I am to report the test results to
the University Health Center immediately.
m. _______ (initial) I understand that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, if I have
been exposed to COVID-19 or have been diagnosed as positive, I may be required to
return to my permanent residence during the recommended time period.
n. _______ (initial) I understand that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I may be
required to move to another room, residence hall or other location in the event of
required self-quarantine or isolation by the University Health Center.
o. _______ (initial) I understand that, if required to self-isolate or quarantine away from
others as outlined above, I may be required to move to alternative, temporary isolation
housing, and must contact the designated University contact to provide my name,
current location, and a phone number where I can be contacted within the hour by local
health authorities who can assist me in arranging temporary isolation housing if they
determine it is necessary.
p. _______ (initial) I understand that, if required to self-isolate or quarantine, I must
cooperate with the University and/or the local health authorities and provide necessary
information to facilitate contact tracing.
q. _______ (initial) I understand that, campus housing facilities may only be available for
those times during the academic term during which coursework is offered on campus
and in person. In the event that the academic term is shortened or the mode of delivery
of instruction is modified due to a public health emergency or other reasons deemed to
be in the best interests of the University community, I understand that I am not entitled
to a refund of any pre-paid rent or other costs or fees due to the changes in the academic
term or mode of instruction.
r. ______ (initial) I understand that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, visitation
hours or number of guests allowed in my room may temporarily change to address
campus response needs.
s. ______ (initial) I understand that Housing and Residence Life may find it necessary to
take specific actions to protect the public health of residents, which may include other
communicable diseases besides COVID-19.
t. ______ (initial) I understand that gatherings of more than 10 individuals are prohibited
in the residence halls.
u. ______ (initial) I understand that the best way to reduce risk is to take the same
prevention measures as I would to prevent infection from the flu and the common cold,
and I agree to:
1. Wash hands often with soap and water for a least 20 seconds.
2. Use hand sanitizer, with 60-95% alcohol if soap/water is not available.
3. Avoid touching my eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
4. Avoid contact with people who are sick.
5. Stay home if I am sick and avoid close contact with others.
6. Cover my mouth and nose with my elbow or a tissue when coughing
sneezing, and immediately dispose of the used tissue.
7. Wear face coverings as may be required by the University, the City of
Jackson, and the State of Mississippi.
v. ______ (initial) I understand that the University and Housing and Residence Life may
find it necessary to take specific actions to protect the public health of the University
community and the surrounding community because of the effects of COVID-19 or
other communicable diseases. I understand that these actions may include changing
housing arrangements or closing residence halls and/or modifying how coursework is
delivered (or for any other reason deemed necessary by the University).
w. ______ (initial) I understand that I am moving into a communal living environment
during a global pandemic, and there are known and possible unknown risks that could
affect my health, safety and well-being, including but not limited to illness, injury,
temporary or permanent impairment, and death. I acknowledge that I fully understand
and accept these risks as a personal responsibility, and that I am electing to live in an
on-campus residence hall without any undue pressure or coercion.
x. ______ (initial) I understand that failure to adhere to these requirements may result in
immediate removal from University housing, Interim Suspension, and/or disciplinary
proceedings. Removal from University housing based on such failure does not release
you from the financial obligations owed to Housing & Residence Life for 2020-2021
If the student is seventeen (17) years old or younger, the student parent’s or legal guardian’s signature
shall indicate that they agree to be fully bound to all obligations of the student under the application.
Jackson State University reserves the right to revises these terms and conditions as necessary.
Version: 1.8